While here studying in front of the computer (always a wise idea, I say. Especially if you're trying to find reasons to kick yourself in the ass later on when you realize how little you've done in the past X hours or so.), I realized that I did actually lose some mp3s -- namely, all of the ones that were by artists whose names begin with letters after T. Huh. Sure, it might be questionable as to how much I ever listened to some of those anyway, but for completeness's sake, I want them back. The ones still missing are the following, and if any of you has any of these and feels like
YouSendIting it to me (you can send to verbatim119[at]gmail.com, for anyone who doesn't have my e-mail address) I'll be very grateful for you doing so. ;) Also, if you're sending anything via YouSendIt, tell me who you are so I can thank you, since I don't think it'll say who's sending it.
U2 - Elevation (Tomb Raider Mix)
U2 - One
U2 - Running to Stand Still
U2 - The Joshua Tree (Complete Album)
U2 - Walk On
U2 - War (Complete Album)
Uncle Kracker - In A Little While
Valeria - Rhythm of The Night
Van Morrison - Brown-Eyed Girl
Vanessa Paradis - Bliss
Vanessa Paradis - La Ballade de Lily-Rose
Vanessa Paradis - Que Fait La Vie?
VAST - Here
VAST - Pretty When You Cry
VAST - Somewhere Else To Be
VAST - Temptation
VAST - You
Velvet Chain - Treason
Velvet Revolver - Fall To Pieces
Vienna Teng - Momentum
Vienna Teng - Soon Love Soon
Vienna Teng - The Tower
Viggo Mortensen - Otro/Letter From Nebraska
Viggo Mortensen - Wading
Viggo Mortensen - Week Ends
Vitamin C - Graduation (Friends Forever)
Wallflowers, The - Heroes
Wallflowers, The - One Headlight
Wave - California
Wave - Think It Over
Weezer - Buddy Holly
Wet Wet Wet - Love Is All Around
Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love YouAlso, I'm not missing these from the whole hard drive debacle, but if anyone has these, that'd be good as well:
Enya - Only TimeEmiliana Torrini - Summerbreeze
Keane - On a Day like Today
The Servant - In a Public Place
The Servant - Oh No No Not Another One
Thanks in advance for anyone who actually sends me anything; I'll probably be trying to re-download for myself anyway, at any rate.
You know. While I'm studying...
ETA: Okay, now I just feel like a colossal idiot (well, even more so than usual) -- I just realized that I had those mp3s on CD-R, but just forgot to transfer all of the U to W files onto my computer because I wanted to put them in a separate folder from the T songs. D'oh. That's how frazzled I am when my computer's not working... Sorry, people, for my stupidity.